Poorly girl

Today I woke up to a poorly baby girl. I knew she was poorly as soon as she turned down the chocolate daddy has brought her home.

We got up and she laid on the sofa and she just wasn’t herself. Usually she would be jumping around like a loon, but she was just quietly watching the tele. I checked her temperature and it was 37.5, so out come the Calpol and I made her a bed on the sofa.

I did some housework and keep checking on her, she looked so sorry for herself. Once I’d finished pottering I went in to join her, as soon as I moved her on to me for a cuddle she was sick all over me. Bless her, she was so upset she had been sick. So off we we went to the bathroom to strip off and clean up.

Back in the front room she cuddled into me and napped for an hour of so and when she woke up she was full of beans. That was short lived and her temperature went back up and she was sick again.

I cleaned her again and washed everything down and gave her some more Calpol to get her temperature back down. We had cuddles on the sofa again and she perked up and had a play and some rich tea biscuits.

She seems a lot better and is laying in Mummies bed at the moment watching tv. Hopefully whatever it is will be gone by the morning and I will have my happy little girl back.

It absolutely breaks my heart seeing her so Ill and not being able to do anything apart from cuddle her.



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